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Jumat, 26 November 2010

We Are (Still) Strong


We Are (Still) Strong

I was in one country outside Indonesia and I met with someone, which eventually I knew that he was an army soldier. We had a coffee together in the outskirt of the capital; we had a very interesting discussion. Well, at least, the topic was really really interesting to me. It was about military things. Some people might think that military is only about war, disaster, killings, etc. Of course, that is true, I do not like war. But, look at it from different perspective. To me, military is about power, bravery, patriotism, strategy, courage, endurance, …prestige.

That man asked me a very straight question, ”How strong is Indonesian military might?”. That surprised me, but I swiftly answered to that question with smile ”It is much stronger that your country’s.” Of course I have some reasons :
  • Indonesia has a unique kind of defense strategy which was once adopted by the North Vietnamese soldiers to kick out the U.S.

  • The geographic advantage of Indonesia, which consist of many thousands islands, will make it so difficult to occupy in one blow.

  • Indonesia, since some years back, has successfully  managed to develop its own military equipments, it is only a matter of time until Indonesia has its very own fighter/bomber jet.

  • Somehow, I can say, that Indonesia military personnel have its own unique power which I hardly found in other countries.

  • You might be wondering, compared to other world military powers, where Indonesia stands on. Here’s the latest ranking I got from www.globalfirepower.com, the research result was based on combat experience, personnel capability, and equipment quality. Enjoy the ranking (I only took the Top 20) :
    1. USA
    2. Russia
    3. China
    4. India
    5. Germany
    6. France
    7. Japan
    8. Turkey
    9. Brazil
    10. United Kingdom
    11. Italy
    12. South Korea
    13. Indonesia
    14. Mexico
    16. Iran
    17. Egypt
    18. North Korea
    19. Spain
    20. Pakistan
    Bonus for other Southeast Asian countries:
    23. Thailand
    30. Philippines

    New Armored Personnel Carrier (APC) Made In Indonesia


    New Armored Personnel Carrier (APC) Made In Indonesia

    Having a national weaponry is a good deterrent. Indonesia has managed to build its own carrier and combat helicopters, APCs, tanks, vessel, airplane, rifles, pistols, grenades, mortars, sharp-shoot rifles, and many more. This APC is one of them.
    Popularity: 7% [?]

    Indonesia To Lead UN Force In Somalia


    Indonesia To Lead UN Force In Somalia

    Indonesia is willing to lead peace keeping force in Somalia after receiving request from the United Nations, Indonesian military spokesman Sargom Tambun said here Thursday.The spokesman said that currently the Indonesian force was inventorying its top officers to be selected for the position.
    “There has been a request from the forces which are now on duty in Somalia under the coordination of the United Nations, to ask Indonesia to be one of the commands of the force,” he told Xinhua.
    Over 1,800 Indonesian troops are now being deployed as peace keeping force overseas, including in Somalia, under the UN coordination, Tambun said.
    Pic taken from here.

    Learning From Disaster


    Learning From Disaster

    GNFI was deeply saddened by the news of Hercules crash in East Java which said to have taken more than 100 lives. I think this kind of fatality has been here and there in Indonesia, with almost the same cause: aging military transport.
    Airbus Beluga
    Airbus Beluga
    Boeing Dreamlifter
    Boeing Dreamlifter
    I am sure, the next president of Indonesia will swiftly address this matter by simply acquiring new military transports, namely new Hercules planes, or even a better and long-term option, such as Antonov 255, or Airbus Beluga, or Boeing Dreamlifter. Indonesia is a very big country, need big transporters too, and we can make best use of those giant planes to carry emergency support to every corner of the world. That would also raise our image globally. As for personnel carrier, we can produce more CN 235 or CN 255 domestically.
    Antonov An255
    Antonov An255
    A strong and committed leadership is needed here. GNFI conveys a deepest condolence for the departed souls of Hercules crash victims. May Allah place you in a better place. Amien.

    We (Will Always) Secure Ambalat


    We (Will Always) Secure Ambalat

    It’s been quite a while since the last time I got updated with issues over Ambalat area, until few days ago when Malaysia naval fleets intruded into it without being able to be contacted by Indonesian counterpart. The ending was easy to find out, Indonesian naval fleet escorted them out.
    In this case, I has a strong stance that sovereignty over territory is an absolute thing. However, I rule out the possibility of frontal war between the two navies which will cost so much in terms of life, energy, and money. Naval battle is so much more expensive compared to land battle. If you can still recall, Russia economy was badly hit by the cost of short war with Georgia earlier this year. Indonesia, is of course not as strong as Russia in term of military capability, and even a short naval war will cost our economy much. Not to mention our global image which has been famous for our soft diplomacy.
    For now, what we can do is to avoid triggering war. We will defend our territory, in a non-war way. Our generals know very much that our naval capability is more than enough to defend our Ambalat without wasting any bullet.  Our president knows, that war will not result anything but suffering, and development setback.
    GNFI knows, that Malaysia government will not go for war against Indonesia as it’ll cost them a lot more. War is simply not an option.

    Indonesian Military Industry


    Indonesian Military Industry

    Nepal, which just sacked their king from the palace, ordered as many as 28 units of Indonesian-made Panzer of RPPM 4×4 (below). The producer, Pindad, however said that the main focus now is to fulfill national order from Indonesian Army.
    RRPM 4x4
    RPPM 4x4
    Indonesia actually can make full use of its weaponry industries to meet the demand from countries which need world-class quality equipments with affordable prices. Last year, or 2 years ago, Indonesia had also sold another type of military vehicle called Armored Personnel Carrier (APC) P2KEV produced by PT. Dirgantara Indonesia (main picture).  There are many more models actually, which will be posted in GNFI sometimes in the future. We’ll keep you posted, so stay tune.
    After the fall of Soviet Union and became Russia, its economy collapsed drastically, and the Russian government relied heavily on selling military products. If i am not mistaken, Russia gets nearly $25 billion per year from this sector. That is the same figure with North Korea total GDP per year.
    Interested, Indonesia?

    Indonesian Army Won The AASAM 2009


    Indonesian Army Won The AASAM 2009

    Indonesian Army (TNI-AD) Again Won The Australian Army Skill at Arms Meeting (AASAM) 2009 after 2008 Winning
    by Major (Inf) M. Asmi, taken from www.tandef.net and from alutsista.blogspot.com (and translated by Indomil)
    Australian Army Skill at Arms Meeting (AASAM) 2009 was shooting competition and it was the 24th time has been organized by Australian Army with its purpose is to measure soldier’s professionalism on marksmanship shooting. In 2009, they invited and finally attended by armed forces from 10 Asian Pacific neighborhood countries, European and Commonwealth countries, including TNI-AD (Indonesian Army).
    Prior to this recent participation in this year, TNI-AD has involved in this AASAM competition three times, first in 1995 in Canungra, Queensland, second in 2005 in Singleton, NSW and then in 2008 in Puckapunyal, Victoria. During those competitions,  some competition materials has been applied that strongly challenge soldier’s marksmanship shooting and particularly  in 2009, committee created combat shooting challenge.
    As per commanding letter from Army Staff Chief number: Sprin/677/IV/2009, dated on April 15, 2009 about an order to follow AASAM 2009 in Australia, 15 Indonesian Army soldiers went to Puckapunyal Victoria Australia. The detail for international contingents as follows: Australia (1 contingent), Brunei (1 contingent), Canada (2 contingents), Indonesia (1 contingent), Malaysia (1 contingent), New Zealands (1 contingent), New Guinea (1 contingent), Philippine (1 contingent), Singapore (1 contingent) and UK (1 contingent). Total 11 contingents.
    AASAM 2009 in Puckapunyal, Victoria Australia which attended by several unit from Australian Armed Forces and International contingents, has been conducted safely, orderly, smoothly, sportive and well. All contingents has understood the mean of sportivity of this competition, either in individual level or among the contingents. Again like in AASAM 2008, TNI-AD contingent did a very good job and proudly achieved the best overall champion in this AASAM 2009. It is a factual evident that TNI-AD has a very high good standard that comes not only from their effective training (their own sole skill) but also contributed from the Indonesian made riffle quality, SS2 V-4 from PT PINDAD. TNI-AD snagged most gold medals from this competition (59%), 42% silver medals and 39% bronze medals from 41 matches.
    Thank you, Mr Yudha, for your contribution.

    The Flying Fighters Will Arrive


    The Flying Fighters Will Arrive

    Indonesia is ready to buy another attack helicopter MI-35 from Russia. This will add to the fleet that had arrived last year. Indonesia is also said to develop its very own national light attack-helicopter starting 2010. This will significantly save the defense budget and can be allocated for long-range bomber, for instance. I hope.

    World’s Best Special Force


    World’s Best Special Force

    Discovery Channel Military edition 2008 broadcasted the world’s best elite forces. Elite forces from around the globe was measured by its performance and skill (not by the military technology), where military experts and analyst across the globe were invited to give their judgments. Here’s the Top 3 :
    1. United Kingdom’s SAS
    2. Israel’s MOSSAD
    3. Indonesia’s KOPASSUS
    You must be wondering why the US elite force was not included. It is because, according to the narrator, they rely heavily on military equipments, all-digitalized technology. A good special force should posses a perfect individual skill like defense, survival, camouflage, strategy, endurance, guerilla, trap-making, and others. The narrator also said that 1 Kopassus soldier is equal to 5 regular soldiers. Here’s some things for you :
    1. Kopassus wins sniper championship using Indonesia’s made weaponry.
    2. Kopassus ranks #2 in conducting a strategical military operation, like intelligence, deployment and movement, infiltration, and attack. The #1 rank is DELTA force, USA.
    3. Countries in North Africa use 80% of their military trainers from Kopassus.
    4. Cambodian special forces have long been trained by Kopassus.

    Densus 88 Makes Us Proud Again


    Densus 88 Makes Us Proud Again

    It has been highly publicized worldwide about the great skill of Special Detachment 88(Densus 88), Indonesia’s Anti-Terror squad. It had captured many terrorist fugitives, including Dr. Azahari, the mastermind of serial bombings in Indonesia. Just about 10 hours ago, it made us proud again by storming terrorist hideout and permanently eliminated the allegedly (and hopefully confirmed) Noordin M Top, Dr. Azahari’s right hand, who orchestrated the bombings with him, and also ordered his terrorist followers to bomb Ritz Carlton and Marriot Hotel last month. Alhamdulillah, praise be to Allah, now both monsters have gone.
    Densus 88 has long been praised worldwide for its determination, endurance, and strategical thinking. It is the most successful anti terror squad on this planet. DON’T MESS UP WITH THEM, AND INDONESIA!
    Thank you, Densus 88. You make us proud again.
    Densus 88, Indonesia’s true treasure!

    New Ammo Under The Sea


    New Ammo Under The Sea

    Russia and South Korea have been shortlisted for a $700 million contract to deliver two submarines to Indonesia,  passing France and Germany.
    Russia’s bid is the Project 636 diesel-electric submarine (export agent Rosoboronexport, picture above) while South Korea’s is the U-209 sub manufactured by Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering (picture below) under German license.
    One of the principal conditions [of the contract] is, among other things, the transfer of technology, so that in the future, Indonesia will have the capacity to build its very own submarine.
    The successful bidder is expected to be named by the end of August.
    The Indonesian defense minister has said the submarines are to be delivered in 2011.

    Indonesian Assault Rifle Now Goes Global


    Indonesian Assault Rifle Now Goes Global

    Indonesian-made rifle The SS-1 (short for Indonesian Senapan Serbu 1, “Assault Rifle 1″) is the standard assault rifle of the Indonesian armed forces. It is based on the FNC rifle but modified in order to meet ergonomic and tropical environment needs. The SS-1 is manufactured by PT Pindad, Bandung, Indonesia.

    SS-1 in Hollywood movie, HEAT

    US Marine using SS-1 during joint exercise with Indonesian counterpart

    SS-1 variants
    The assault rifles of the SS1 series are gas-operated automatic carbines with a fold-able butt and are designed to meet the NATO standard. SS1 weapons are high performance light individual weapons that have been used by the Indonesian armed forces, including the Army, Navy, and Air Force, as well as police. It was adopted into Indonesian service in 1991. It is currently being phased out and replaced by the Pindad SS2.
    Indonesian ministry of defense had earlier allowed PT Pindad to export the rifle and pistol outside Indonesian territory, and Cambodia was the first user outside Indonesia, followed by United Arab Emirates, Nigeria, and the Philippines. Pindad not only produces rifles, pistols, mortars, but also panzers and tanks in the near future.

    Nato, Its Soldiers, And Solo


    Nato, Its Soldiers, And Solo

    What do you know about NATO? NATO is undoubtedly the strongest military alliance on this planet where world’s strongest armed forces allied in the post world war II to defend themselves from the communist bloc in eastern Europe and USSR. Until this very moment, NATO still exists and becomes the sole power which has the greatest capability.
    But not many people know that 13 armed forces under NATO wear military uniforms made in Indonesia. Sritex, one of Indonesia’s biggest textile companies located in Solo, Central Java, had secured a contract to produce NATO military uniform for its 13 members.
    The quote below is taken from Sritex’s client list on its website:
    Sritex, one of the world’s most trusted uniform suppliers, has been certified as an official partner outside Europe to produce military uniform by NATO. With this credibility, Sritex currently supplies uniform and field equipments to more than 18 countries of the world…
    After supplying assault rifles and military uniforms, what’s next from Indonesia to supply the world’s military? We are going to the path of becoming one of the military centers of the world.

    Indonesian Hummer


    Indonesian Hummer

    I know you must be thinking that the vehicle escorting the military commander above is Humvee (or Hummer), a US-made military vehicle. Well, you are very wrong, dudes. The so-called jeep is named Bhirawa, a multi-purpose vehicle developed by Pupuk Kaltim, a huge company in East Kalimantan. Yes, it’s made by our Indonesian fellas.

    They Did It In 81 Seconds!


    They Did It In 81 Seconds!

    It was one of Indonesia’s Elite Force (Kopassus). The hostages liberation by Kopassus was broadcasted LIVE in some countries, around 200 international journalist, reporter were covering the rare event at Bangkok Don Muang Int’l Airport. AND THEY DID IT IN ONLY 81 SECOND. It was WORLD’S MOST SUCCESSFUL ANTI-TERRORIST OPERATION IN THE WORLD, and followed by GSG (Germany) in Ethiopia, and Israel Special Force in Tanzania (if I am not mistaken). The 30 strong commando team member was led by Sintong Pandjaitan.
    On 28th March 1981, Garuda Indonesian Airlines Flight GA 206, by DC-9 “Woyla” was en route from Palembang to Medan, a domestic flight between two Indonesian cities. The plane had flown from Jakarta at 08:00, was in transit to Palembang, and from there was scheduled to make the trip to its final destination at Medan, arrival time estimated 10:55.
    Once in the air, however, two passengers got up from their seats. One went to the cockpit while the other stood in the aisle. Moments later, by 10:10, Woyla was completely under the control of five hijackers, all armed. The hijacker in the cockpit ordered the pilot to fly the plane to Colombo, Sri Lanka, but the pilot said that the fuel wouldn’t be sufficient to travel that distance. Then the plane was then flown to Penang, Malaysia.
    The terrorists are from Jihad Commando group, radicals responsible for raids on police stations, military bases, and various acts of sabotage in Indonesia from 1977-1981. In the midday, Indonesian government went on red alert. Indonesia had never dealt with serious hijacking before. The first case ever was in 1974, when a desperate Marine hijacked a domestic flight for money, then he was killed by the pilot himself. In an effort to familiarize themselves with the layout of the aircraft, later that evening the newly created Indonesian’s Special Force, Kophasanda (now Kopassus), borrowed another DC-9 from Garuda Airlines and used it for combat training.
    Woyla has left Malaysia after refueling, bound to Don Muang, Thailand. An old female passenger was allowed to go in Malaysia. The terrorists have declared their demand: The release of Jihad Commandos that have been imprisoned by Indonesian government, and US $ 1.5 million. They also demand a plane is prepared for the released prisoners, to an yet unspecified destination. They have bomb set on the plane. Things get harder for the Kophasanda commander. He suspects that the plane will be flown to a state in Middle East. But as the plane has been relocated from Malaysia, the step was going further for him.
    Also, US Ambassador has called him and told him that US really counts on him to the safety of American citizens abroad the flight. In 21:00, 29th March, 35 members of Kophasanda left Indonesia in a DC-10, all wearing civilian clothes. Thailand government itself didn’t agree much on Indonesian choice to use military force. They preferred negotiation, the same way that ended the taking of Israeli embassy in Bangkok by Black September terrorists back in 1972. Finally, they let the military way, considering that the owner of the aircraft is Indonesian government, and all the terrorists are Indonesian nationals, from an extremist group. The CIA chief of station in Thailand met later with Kophasanda to lend them flak jackets and breaching kits for the assault.
    An American journalist on the top of a bus surrounding Don Muang, woke his comrades, international journalists from Indonesia, US, Thailand, Japan, Singapore, West Germany, France, and Australia. 500 meters from Woyla, armed soldiers walked silently in the bushes. The plan was, blue team and red team would climb the wings then wait at the side doors. The windows of the plane have been blinded. While green team will breach the rear door, all will enter at the same time at the go-code.
    02:43 Thailand commando team also moves in, waiting on the runway to prevent the possibility of escaping terrorists.
    02:43 The go-code is given. The three teams enter, but not at the same time. Green team entered first, only to find that a terrorist was alert in the rear side of the plane. The terrorist fired, striking one assault team member in an area of his stomach unprotected by his flak jacket. Blue team and red team then entered, shot 3 terrorists on sight, as the passengers ducked and closed their eyes. The commando team shouted to the passengers, telling them to rush out. A hijacker, with grenade in hand, also ran outside and tried to throw it. But other passengers pinpointed him and the commando team finished him before the front door. The last terrorist was killed outside the plane.
    02:45 With the area secure, paramedics immediately rushed to the plane to try and save the pilot who had accidentally been shot by a terrorist during the raid.
    All terrorists aboard were killed. The Asian Wall Street Journal, as well as Asian and European papers praised the good work by Indonesian Special Force – Kopasandha (now Kopassus). Indonesian intelligence itself later declared that the main goal of the terrorists’ organization was to throw the government and to create an different kind of state in Indonesia.