Indonesian Stealth Iron-Birds

Indonesia and South Korea are getting ready to sign an MoU on the joint-development of a KFX stealth fighter jet program (dubbed Boramae) later this year, following a letter of intent in March 2009 on Indonesian participation in a KFX study. When enacted, the MOU will provide a breakthrough for both countries in terms of bilateral defense collaboration and aircraft technology indigenization.
It is expected from the collaboration that five prototypes will be built before 2020. Approximately 200+ aircraft will be manufactured for both the Indonesian and Korean Air Force. Surely there is a sense of pride creeping into every Indonesian’s minds knowing that the biggest Muslim country in the world is going to carry on an indigenize a fighter jet program, furthermore, it’s a stealth type, debunking the myth that only technologically advanced countries can achieve this.

Indeed, the cooperation will not only allow Indonesia to access the so-called 4.5th generation fighter jet technology, but also help South Korea preserve the bloodline for an indigenous fighter jet program since they can only afford 60 percent of the necessitate fund.
In addition to that, the production will be based in Indonesia which will also creates jobs for thousands of people. For comparison, the Eurofighter project helps create 30,000 jobs across Europe.

Indonesia, is said to acquire 50-60 aircrafts, which will make the Indonesian Air Force look like giant!
Chengdu J-10
Chengdu J-10 (歼十, Jian-10) adalah pesawat tempur multi peran yang dirancang dan diproduksi Chengdu Aircraft Industry Corporation (CAC) untuk Angkatan Udara Tiongkok. Didesain sebagai pesawat tempur dan pesawat pengebom ringan segala cuaca.
* J-10A
* J-10S
* J-10B
* FC-20
Spesifikasi perkiraan
Karakteristik umum
* Kru: 1 (basic), 2 (trainer variant)
* Panjang: 16,5 m (54 ft[rujukan?])
* Lebar sayap: 11,3 m (37 ft 2 in[rujukan?])
* Tinggi: 6,0 m (15 ft 6 in[rujukan?])
* Area sayap: 45,5 m² (490 ft²[rujukan?])
* Berat kosong: 8.000~9.730 kg (21.460 lb)
* Berat berguna: 5.500 kg (9.920 lb[rujukan?])
* Berat maksimum lepas landas: 19.277 kg (42.498 lb[rujukan?])
* Mesin: 1× Saturn-Lyulka AL-31FN or Woshan WS-10A "Taihang" turbofan
o Dorongan kering: 89,43 kN / 89,17 kN (17.860 lbf / 20.052 lbf)
o Dorongan dengan afterburner: 122,5 kN / 129,4 kN (27.557 lbf / 29.101 lbf)
* Kecepatan maksimum: Mach 2.0 at altitude
* g-Limits: +9/-3 g (+88/-29 m/s², +290/-97 ft/s²
* Radius tempur: 750+ km (1.000 nm,[rujukan?]
o Jarak maksimum: 2.940 km (1.370 nm,)
* Batas tertinggi servis: 20.000 m (65.617 ft)
* Beban sayap: 335 kg/m² (64 lb/ft²)
* Dorongan/berat minimum:
o Dengan afterburner: 0,89
* Senapan: 2× 23 mm meriam internal
* Hardpoints: 11, 3 di bawah setiap sayap dan 5 di bawah fuselage
* Misil:
o Udara-ke-udara: PL-8, PL-9, PL-11, PL-12
o Udara-ke-permukaan: PJ-9, YJ-9K, 90 mm pod peluncur roket-tanpa-kendali
* Bom: bom yang diarahkan laser (LT-2), bom melayang (LS-6) and bom-tanpa-kendali
Shenyang J-11 adalah pesawat tempur milik Angkatan Udara Tiongkok (People's Liberation Army Air Force). Pesawat ini adalah versi lisensi dari Su-27SK Rusia.
Karakteristik umum
* Kru: 1
* Panjang: 21.9 m (71 ft 10 in)
* Lebar sayap: 14.70 m (48 ft 3 in)
* Tinggi: 5.92 m (19 ft 6 in)
* Area sayap: 62.04 m² (667.8 ft²)
* Berat kosong: 16,870 kg [1] (37,192 lb)
* Berat terisi: 23,140 kg (51,010 lb)
* Berat maksimum lepas landas: 33,000 kg (73,000 lb)
* Mesin: 2× Lyulka AL-31F or Woshan WS-10A "Taihang" turbofans
o Dorongan kering: 74.5 kN / 89.17 kN (16,800 lbf / 20,050 lbf)[4] masing-masing
o Dorongan dengan afterburner: 123 kN / 129.4 kN (27,600 lbf / 29,101 lbf)[5] masing-masing
* Kecepatan maksimum: Mach 2.35 (2,500 km/h, 1,600 mph) at altitude
* Jarak jangkau: 3,720 km (2,010 nm, 2,310 mi)
* Radius tempur: 2,000 km (1,240 mi)
* Batas tertinggi servis: 19,000 m (62,523 ft)
* Laju panjat: >325 m/s (64,000 ft/min)
* Beban sayap: 371.0 kg/m² (76 lb/ft²)
* Dorongan/berat:
o Dry: 0.66
o Dengan afterburner: 1.09
* G-limit: 9 g
* Senjata api: 1× 30 mm (1.18 in) Gryazev-Shipunov GSh-30-1 cannon
* Titik keras: 10: 2 under fuselage, 2 under air ducts, 4 under wings, 2 on wingtips with provisions to carry combinations of:
o Rudal:
+ PL-12
+ PL-9
+ PL-8
+ Vympel R-77
+ Vympel R-27
+ Vympel R-73
* Roket: Unguided rocket launcher
* Bom: Free-fall cluster bombs
* Fire-control radar: NIIP Tikhomirov N001VE Myech coherent pulse Doppler radar
* OEPS-27 electro-optic system
* NSts-27 helmet-mounted sight (HMS)
* Gardeniya ECM pods