M1 Abrams adalah tank tempur utama (main battle tank, MBT) Angkatan Darat Amerika Serikat dan Marinir Amerika Serikat, dengan tiga versi utama yang dipakai secara bertahap mulai pada tahun 1980: M1, M1A1, dan M1A2. Versi terbaru M1A2 memiliki perlindungan dan peralatan elektronik baru. Tank ini diberi nama dari nama Jenderal Creighton Abrams, mantan Kepala Staf Angkatan Darat dan komandan Resimen Lapis Baja ke-37 AS.
Tank M1 Abrams menggantikan tank M60 Patton dan M48A5. Tetapi M1 sempat aktif dipakai bersama dengan tank M60A3 selama lebih dari 10 tahun, karena tank M60A3 baru mulai dipakai dua tahun sebelum kemunculan M1.
Karakteristik umum
Awak 4 (Komandan, penembak, pengisi, pengemudi)
Panjang 7,92 m
Lebar 3,64 m
Tinggi 2,43 m
Berat 63,0 ton
Perlindungan dan persenjataan
Ketebalan baja Chobham, RH Armor, Plat baja dilapisi uranium
Senjata utama Meriam M68 kaliber 105 mm
Meriam M256 jenis smoothbore kal.120 mm
Senjata pelengkap 1×Senapan mesin berat kal.12.7 mm M2 Browning,
2×Senapan mesin kal.7.62 mm M240
Mesin turbin AGT-1500,
transmisi Renk HSWL 354
(1500 dk (1119 kW))
Suspensi Batang puntir/torsi (torsion bar)
Kecepatan 72 km/j
Tenaga/Berat 24 dk/ton
Daya jelajah 465 km (279 mil)

The T-90 is a Russian third-generation main battle tank (MBT) derived from the T-72, and is currently the most modern T-90tank in service with the Russian Ground Forces and Naval Infantry. The successor to the T-72BM, the T-90 uses the tank gun and 1G46 gunner sights from the T-80U, a new engine, and thermal sights. Protective measures include Kontakt-5 ERA, laser warning receivers, Nakidka camouflage, the EMT-7 electromagnetic pulse (EMP) creator for the destruction of magnetic mines and the Shtora infrared ATGM jamming system. It is designed and built by Uralvagonzavod, in Nizhny Tagil, Russia.
Type Main battle tank
Production history
Designer Kartsev-Venediktov
Manufacturer Uralvagonzavod
Unit cost $2.23 million (in January, 2007)
Produced 1995–present
Weight 46.5 tonnes (45.8 LT; 51.3 ST)
Length 9.53 m (31 ft 3 in)
Width 3.78 m (12 ft 5 in)
Height 2.22 m (7 ft 3 in)
Crew 3
Armor Steel-composite-reactive blend
vs APFSDS: 550 mm + 250-280mm with Kontakt-5 = 800-830mm; vs HEAT: 650 mm + 500-700mm with Kontakt-5 = 1,150-1,350mm
armament 125 mm smoothbore gun with ATGM capability; mainly 9M119 Svir
armament 7.62 mm coaxial machine gun, 12.7 mm anti-aircraft machine gun
Engine Model 84 V-84 12-cyl. diesel
V-92 12-cyl. diesel
V-96 12-cyl. diesel
840 hp (626 kW) for Model 84 V-84 12-cyl. diesel engine
1000hp (736 kW) for V-92 12-cyl. diesel engine[3]
1,250 hp (919 kW) for V-96 12-cyl. diesel engine[3]
Power/weight 18.1 hp/tonne (13.5 kW/tonne) for Model 84 V-84 12-cyl. diesel engine
21.5 hp/tonne (15.7 kW/tonne) for V-92 12-cyl. diesel engine
26.9 hp/tonne (19.8 kW/tonne) for V-96 12-cyl. diesel engine
Suspension torsion bar
range 550 km (340 mi)
Speed 60 km/h (37 mph)