Nepal, which just sacked their king from the palace, ordered as many as 28 units of Indonesian-made Panzer of RPPM 4×4 (below). The producer, Pindad, however said that the main focus now is to fulfill national order from Indonesian Army.

RPPM 4x4
Indonesia actually can make full use of its weaponry industries to meet the demand from countries which need world-class quality equipments with affordable prices. Last year, or 2 years ago, Indonesia had also sold another type of military vehicle called Armored Personnel Carrier (APC) P2KEV produced by PT. Dirgantara Indonesia (main picture). There are many more models actually, which will be posted in GNFI sometimes in the future. We’ll keep you posted, so stay tune.
After the fall of Soviet Union and became Russia, its economy collapsed drastically, and the Russian government relied heavily on selling military products. If i am not mistaken, Russia gets nearly $25 billion per year from this sector. That is the same figure with North Korea total GDP per year.
Interested, Indonesia?
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